Santiam Organics Myco-Fusion Rhizo Charge 2.0

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40.00 40.00 40.0 USD


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RHIZO-CHARGE 2.0 is a biological soil enhancer for the individual that wants to maximize their crop yield. If you are growing in soil, this product is a must have. Built on the science of delivering nutrients to the plant and to the mycorrhizal organisms that are servicing the plant, RHIZO-CHARGE 2.0 delivers all the necessary components to aid in rapid crop cycling. Application Methods and Rates: This product is designed to be a companion product for the Myco-Fusion line of mycorrhizal inoculants. It contains complex humic material and other myco-symbiotic organisms. Apply immediately following planting or at any time during the plant’s life cycle. Cultural Conditions: This product contains living microorganisms that are sensitive to certain cultural practices. To avoid inhibiting or killing the organisms, do not use high rates of inorganic fertilizers, especially those with a high proportion of Phosphorus (P). Avoid application of fungicides with PCNB, thiophanatemethyl, or soil fumigants.

- Biological soil enhancer
- Maximize crop yields
- Works great in soil
- Delivers all the necessary components to aid in rapid crop cycling