Payment Types
Currency and method of payments accepted
All fiat payments and charges on our website are denominated in United States currency. We accept multiple methods of payment for online and in store transactions.
Online Transactions
Spokane Organics accepts the following payment methods for online transactions:
Domestic and international wire transfers (TT)
Major credit cards
In Store Transactions
Spokane Organics accepts the following payment methods for in store transactions:
Domestic and international wire transfers (TT)
Major Credit Cards
Accuracy of Information
Providing the correct details
You are responsible for providing Spokane Organics with accurate information when submitting payment. Spokane Organics will not issue any refund or credit to the extent the total amount charged is based on your failure to provide accurate information, through mistake or error.
Taxes and Fees
Regulatory charge awareness
The amounts charged to you may be subject to and include applicable taxes and fees, including withholding taxes. You are responsible for remitting any taxes that apply, which are based on the information you have provided.
Legal Use
Payment method rights
You represent and warrant that you have the legal right to use any payment method used by you in connection with making payment to Spokane Organics.
Privacy Policy
Security of your information
For information on how we treat personally identifiable information, please read our Privacy Policy, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Consistent with our Privacy Policy, we reserve the right to contact law enforcement or relevant third parties and share details of any payments you are associated with, if we believe doing so may prevent financial loss or a violation of law.
Problematic Transactions
Experiencing odd or unknown transaction behavior
If you believe that a problematic transaction has taken place under your account, you agree to notify us immediately, so that we may take action to prevent financial loss.
Jurisdiction and law covering legal disputes
You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, actions, suits, or demands and any related losses, damages, judgments, tax assessments, penalties, interest, and expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of any claim, action, audit, investigation, inquiry, or other proceeding instituted by a person or entity that arises out of or relates to (a) any actual or alleged breach of your representations, warranties, or obligations set forth in these Payment Terms and (b) any transaction submitted by you to Spokane Organics.
Origin international payments
There may be countries that restrict or prohibit your ability to make payments to Spokane Organics. Nothing in these Payment Terms should be read to override or circumvent any such foreign laws.
How you may contact us regarding these Payment Terms
We may modify these Payment Terms at any time without notice to you. Your continued use of our services after reasonable notice to you of any material changes to the Payment Terms or after non-material changes, constitutes acceptance of those changes.
How you may contact us regarding these Payment Terms
Should you have questions about our Payment Terms, please contact us via phone or email.