Safer Houseplant Sticky Stakes

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Choose Safer Brand Houseplant Sticky Stakes as an alternative to synthetic pesticides.
Houseflies, including whiteflies, blackflies, and midges, aren't just an annoyance; an infestation of these small winged pests can rapidly wreak havoc on your houseplants. Flies breed fast, and to reduce damage to your plants, you need a solution that works quickly to nip an infestation in the bud. Chemical pesticides are an option but may fill your home with an odd smell or be hazardous to small children or pets.

Best Used for:
    Fruit Flies
    Black Flies

Features & Benefits
    Ideal for potted plants
    Attracts and traps whiteflies, fungus gnats, blackflies, thrips, fruit flies, midges and other flying insects
    Fully disposable
    Draws pests like a magnet
    A natural pest control - contains no pesticides 

Attracts and traps insects

These sticky stakes attract a variety of flying insects, including whiteflies, fungus gnats, thrips, and fruit flies, reducing not just those that feast on your tender houseplants, but also other flying nuisances. The special formula attracts insects like a magnet, killing them and reducing your infestation without harmful pesticides.

Easy to use

Safer® Sticky Stakes are simple to use. These small stakes are easily placed in the dirt of your potted plants and may be concealed by the leaves for a more attractive aesthetic. You can use the stakes indoors or out – or both, and they work best in potted plants versus flower beds. After placing the stake, shake your plant slightly, moving any insects and enticing them to fly to the yellow trap on the stake. Once the strip is full, simply remove, toss in the trash, and replace with a fresh stick.

Protect your houseplants with sticky stakes

Aphids are a type of destructive insect that suck fluid from the leaves and flowers of houseplants, and this is why Sticky Stakes are so useful and beneficial. They trap a variety of insects who are capable of damaging your indoor plants in a short period of time. Using Sticky Stakes helps ensure your houseplants stay green and healthy.