Plant Success Great White Mycorrhizae

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Plant Success Great White is a cutting-edge formula containing a highly concentrated and diverse blend of beneficial microbes.
The endo and ecto mycorrhiza, beneficial bacteria and trichoderma build a microbial system in and on plant roots which enhance water and nutrient uptake. Great White can be used in hydroponics, field agriculture or home gardening. It is best used as a seed coat or in the early stages of growth. Users should look for vibrant and vigorous plants. Great White is used by professional and home growers for its quality, consistency and proven results.

The key to healthy and vital plants starts with a vigorous root system and a vigorous root system starts with Great White. Users should look for explosive root growth, increased yields, increased fruiting and flowering, increased nutrient and water absorption and improved transplant success resulting in an overall healthier plant.

Plant Success Great White Benefits

Drought stress
Water and fertilizer needs
Flowering and fruiting
Water and nutrient storage and uptake
Root growth
Extensive root system
Soil structure
Plant establishment

Lightly dust with Great White

Dip cutting into rooting gel/solution then lightly dip directly into Great White powder. Mix into pre-soak/fertilizer solution at a rate of 1 scoop (1tsp or 5 grams) per 2 gallons (10 liters) of water.


Lightly dust planting hole and place plant directly on top.


Mix into reservoir with regular feeding at a rate of 1 scoop (1 tsp or 5 grams) per 10 gallons (40 liters) of water. Hydroponic users may find settling or particles on the bottom of the reservoir and should not be concerned of product loss; it’s normal for the carrying agent to settle.

Soil, Coco and Topfeeding

Apply at a rate of 1 scoop (1 tsp or 5 grams) per 2 gallons (10 litres) of water.

Plant Success Great White Feed Table

Amount Of Dry Great White    Amount of Water
1 tsp                                            10 Gallon
2 tsp                                            20 Gallon
3-4 tsp                                        50 Gallon
6-8 tsp                                        100 Gallon

Plant Success Great White Feed Table

Container Size                         Amount of Solution
4 in                                             3 oz
1 Gallon                                     5 oz
3 Gallon                                    16 oz
5 Gallon                                    32 oz

   *Can be applied using SOLUTION rate above
  **Can be applied directly to growing media
  ***One scoop equals one teaspoon

Plant Success Great White Ingridents:

     Glomus aggregatum – 83 props per gram
     Glomus intraradices – 83 props per gram
     Glomus mosseae – 83 props per gram
     Glomus etunicatum – 83 props per gram
     Glomus clarum – 11 props per gram
     Glomus monosporum – 11 props per gram
     Paraglomus brazilianum – 11 props per gram
     Glomus deserticola – 11 props per gram
     Gigaspora margarita – 11 props per gram

     Pisolithus tinctorious – 187,875 propagules per gram
     Rhizopogon luteolus – 5,219 props per gram
     Rhizopogon fulvigleba – 5,219 props per gram
     Rhizopogon villosullus – 5,219 props per gram
     Rhizopogon amylopogon – 5,219 props per gram
     Scleroderma citrinum – 5,219 props per gram
     Scleroderma cepa – 5,219 props per gram
     Trichoderma koningii-187,875 CFU’s per gram
     Trichoderma harzianum-125,250 CFU’s per gram


     Azotobacter chroococcum – 525,000 CFU’s per gram
     Bacillus subtilis – 525,000 CFU’s per gram
     Bacillus licheniformis – 525,000 CFU’s per gram
     Bacillus azotoformans – 525,000 CFU’s per gram
     Bacillus megaterium – 525,000 CFU’s per gram
     Bacillus coagulans – 525,000 CFU’s per gram
     Bacillus pumilus – 525,000 CFU’s per gram
     Bacillus amyloliquefaciens – 525,000 CFU’s per gram
     Paenibacillus durum – 525,000 CFU’s per gram
     Paenibacillus polymyxa – 525,000 CFU’s per gram
     Saccharomyces cerevisiae – 525,000 CFU’s per gram
     Pseudomonas aureofaciens – 525,000 CFU’s per gram
     Pseudomonas fluorescens – 525,000 CFU’s per gram