Monterey Complete Disease Control

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Volume (standard): 1 qt

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Monterey Disease Control is a preventative biofungicide/bactericide that uses the naturally occurring beneficial bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain D747 as its active ingredient. This OMRI listed product can be used as a foliar spray or as a soil drench. When used as a foliar spray, this bacterium will overcome any pathogenic spores present. Spray application is suggested for those diseases affecting leaves, fruit and flowers - anything above ground. When used as a soil drench, this naturally occurring bacterium goes straight to the plant's roots, where it will establish itself and grow. This colonization prevents the establishment of disease-carrying bacteria and fungi. Drench application is favored for diseases affecting roots, tubers or any other part that comes in contact with the soil.

    For use on ornamental trees, vegetables, fruits, nuts, flowering plants, houseplants, shrubs, and tropical plants grown in and around home gardens and     greenhouses.
    For best results, plants should be treated at the first signs of disease or before disease development.
    Can be applied up to and including the day of harvest - 0-day Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI).

Diseases Controlled: Anthracnose (Colletotrichum species), Bacterial leaf blights, spots and specks (Erwinia, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas species), Black mold, Brown spot and Black crown rot (Alternaria species), Black spot of roses (Diplocarpon rosae), Gray mold, Botrytis blight, Fruit rot (Botrytis species), Leaf spots (Alternaria, Cercospora, Entomosporium, Helminthosporium, Myrothecium & Septoria species) and Powdery mildews (Podosphaera, Erysiphe, Golovinomyces, Sphaerotheca and Oidium species, Uncinula necator, Oidiopsis taurica, Leveillula taurica)

Diseases Suppressed: Downy mildew (Bremisa lactucae, Peronospora, Plasmopara species), Early Blight(Alternaria solani), Late blight (Phytophthora infestans), Fire blight (Erwinia amylovora), Pin rot (Alternaria/Xanthomonas complex) and Scab (Venturia species)

Foliar Spray:
Use RTU or mix 1 tsp. of concentrate with 1 gallon of water. Shake well.
Spray leaves, stems and new shoots to runoff, providing complete coverage of the entire plant.
Repeat at weekly intervals or as needed (typically every 7-10 days).
In conditions favorable to rapid disease development, such as high humidity, excessive rain or other conditions of extreme moisture, increase the mixing rate to 1 tbsp. per gallon and shorten the spray interval to every 3-7 days.
Allow spray to dry at least 4 hours before watering if foliage will also be watered.

Soil Drench:
Mix 1 tsp. per gallon of water and apply to the soil using one of the following methods:
For potted plants (indoors or outdoors), use a watering can or tank-fed watering wand to apply sufficient water to wet the entire root mass. Or use a hand-pump or other sprayer to spray the mixture on the surface and then immediately water it into the roots.
Drench the roots of transplants with approximately 4 fl. oz. of the mixture immediately before transplanting. Allow to soak into the root ball when transplanting.
For outdoor-grown plants, use a watering can or sprayer to drench the soil in the planting furrow or transplant hole immediately before planting or transplanting.
Apply in the first watering after planting or transplanting, either by mixing directly into the water or by spraying onto the soil surface and watering it in.

For Lawns/Grassy Areas:
Mix 1 tsp. of water per gallon of water and apply as a fine spray to the surface area. Typically, 2-5 gals of spray may be required per 1,000 sq. ft. of lawn. Water in the mixture immediately after application.

Environment: For use on ornamental trees, vegetables, fruits, nuts, flowering plants, houseplants, shrubs, and tropical plants grown in and around home gardens and greenhouses.

Storage: Keep in original container. Store away from direct sunlight, feed or foodstuffs. Keep container tightly sealed when not in use.