Marrone Bio Majestene Bionematicide

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228.00 228.00 228.0 USD


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Volume (standard): 2.5 gal

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Majestene Bionematicide Offers Season-long Nematode Control

A breakthrough in biological control of economically damaging nematodes, Majestene offers growers a new choice in a dwindling selection of nematode management tools: broad-spectrum, exempt from residue tolerances, for conventional & organic production.

Majestene is a powerful – yet worker-friendly and tolerance exempt – species-selective bionematicide with activity against eggs, juveniles and adult lesion, root knot, dagger, stunt, reniform, and soybean cyst nematodes. Majestene protects the plant from yield-robbing nematodes; thereby, promoting stronger, healthier roots and more robust yields.

Application: Foliar (Aerial or Ground), Chemigation, Soil Treatment, Backpack/Hand Sprayer

Active Ingredient: Heat-killed Burkholderia

How your crops benefit from Majestene
Majestene is a liquid nematicide that can be applied pre-plant, at planting and in-season for season-long reduction of nematode populations and galling in potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, cucurbits, corn and onions. Growers have seen notable success in using Majestene on potato and onion acres in the Pacific Northwest, and several specialty crops in Florida and Georgia.

Boost yield & quality
    Protects crop from yield loss; can increase yields and harvest quality
Manage resistance
    No waiting period for planting or rotation/plant-back restrictions; can be used at planting or post-planting
Harvest flexibility
    Can be used right before harvest without concern for residues
    Helps simplify your labor scheduling and avoids costly downtime

A breakthrough in biological control of nematodes
    Broad spectrum suppression & control of economically damaging soil insects & nematodes
    Can be used at planting or post planting
    Tolerance exempt
    No waiting period for planting
    No plant-back restrictions
    Approved for field and greenhouse applications

Pests & Crops
Majestene nematicide is approved to control nematodes and soil dwelling insects in a large number of commercial specialty crops

Nematode & Wireworm Control
    Root Knot Nematodes
    Lesion Nematodes
    Dagger Nematodes
    Cyst Nematodes
    Stunt Nematodes

Common Crops

    Fruiting Vegetables
    Leafy Greens
    Sweet Potatoes

Art of Use
The following best use practices should be kept in mind to effectively use Majestene Bionematicide:
    Majestene can be used as a soil drench, in-furrow, at planting and as a seed drench.
    It can also be applied through drip irrigation, T-banded or shanked-in.
    Reapply every 28 days for effective nematode control.
    Apply at seeding for direct-seeded crops
    Apply at transplanting or shortly thereafter for transplanted crops
    Reapply every 3-4 weeks for season-long control