Marrone Bio Innovations Regalia CG Biofungicide

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Regalia Biofungicide - Control Powdery Mildew, Increase Crop Performance

Regalia CG Biofungicide is labeled for ornamental, greenhouse, and garden crops to help control powdery mildew, blight, Anthracnose, and other bacterial diseases.

Regalia CG is an organic fungicide for greenhouse and medical plant applications. Use it early for disease prevention and overall plant health, in the middle of the season for disease control and worker safety, and late in the season to avoid issues of pesticide residues at harvest.

What is CG?

Our line of Cultivated Garden (CG) products helps customers around the globe control pests, improve plant health, and increase crop yields while reducing the environmental pesticide load, decreasing chemical residues and fighting the development of pest resistance.

What diseases does Regalia CG control?
Alternaria fruit rot, Anthracnose, Black spot, Botrytis, Crown rot, Powdery mildew, Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Verticillium wilt

Application: Foliar (Aerial or Ground), Chemigation, Soil Treatment, Backpack/Hand Sprayer
Active Ingredient: Reynoutria sachalinensis

Benefits of Regalia CG
    Healthier plants for better yield and harvest quality
    Quality control tested to ensure no human microbial pathogens
    Natural ingredients stimulate plant immunity and fight diseases
    OR, WA, CO & NV approved for medicinal plants pesticides listing

How your crops benefit from Regalia
Regalia is a versatile solution for disease control and plant health from planting to harvest.
Boost yield & quality
Inhibits fungal and bacterial disease, increases plant stress tolerance, and optimizes yield
Manage resistance
New and simple IPM option with low risk of resistance; sustainably manages diseases
Harvest flexibility
Can be used right before harvest without concern for residues
Helps simplify your labor scheduling and avoids costly downtime

Regalia Biofungicide can be used in rotation or in combination with other fungicides to synergize and strengthen IPM programs in any conventional crop production. It can also be used alone or with other approved products in organic crop production. Regalia CG Biofungicide is also approved for use on a large selection of ornamental plants.