BioScience NO FLY WP

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Biological Insecticide For Use In Indoor and Outdoor Agriculture

NoFly WP is an OMRI listed high concentration of the active ingredient Isaria fumosorosea strain FE 9901, a naturally occurring insecticidal microorganism.

NoFly is a natural and sustainable solution for controlling insect pests and improving crop quality and yield. This aggressive fungus is a natural predator to select insect pests while non-pathogenic to beneficials. NoFly WP is also compatible with many chemicals making it an excellent tool for use in an Integrated Pest Management program.

When spores of NoFly WP come into contact with the insect pest they attach to the body and begin to grow almost immediately. Once the spore germ tube penetrates the host cuticle, fungal multiplication takes place through formation of hyphal bodies in the host hemocoel. The NoFly microbe mechanically disrupts the host’s internal organs and initiates tissue necrosis. This leads to lack of feeding, inactivity and eventually death.

The end result? Insect pests sprayed with NoFly WP stop feeding in about 24 hours and are killed in 2-5 days.

Features & Benefits
    Biological pesticide
    Attacks pests at all life stages from egg to adult
    Minimal residue issues
    Ideal for integrated pest management
    Safe for beneficial insects
    6-month shelf life when refrigerated

Target Pests
Eggs, larvae and adults of whiteflies, thrips, aphids, mealybugs, mites, spider mites, russett mites, bagrada bug, leaf hopper, plant bug, weevils, psyllids, fungus gnats and other insect pests.

RATE & Directions
    1 - 8 oz per acre - Foliar Spray
    2 – 8 oz per acre – Soil Drench

Apply at first symptoms of pest attack. Minimum 3 applications at 5-7 day intervals or shorter in severe infestations
Repeat the application every 5-7 days or shorter if the infestation is severe.

NoFly WP consists of spores of an entomopathogenic fungus that are susceptible to high temperatures, dryness and ultraviolet radiation. Avoid these potential adverse effects by applying the product in late afternoon, in the early morning and at mid to high relative humidity (if practical, pre-watering of crop is strongly suggested). Use sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage of the foliage including the underside of leaves.