BioSafe OxiPhos, 2.5 gal

    220.99 165.80 165.8 USD


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    OxiPhos- Broad Spectrum Bactericide / Fungicide
    OxiPhos is a combination of phosphorous acid and activated peroxide that provides a one-two punch against diseases. The activated peroxide helps the phosphorous acid active ingredient to have a broader effect on targeted organisms. OxiPhos can be used throughout the growing season to prevent and control diseases caused by the oomycete group of pathogens.

    Active Ingredients
        Hydrogen Peroxide
        Mono- and di-potassium salts of phosphorous acid

    OxiPhos is effective against
        Downy Mildew
        Bacteria Blight
        Yellow Tuft
        Phytophthora spp and Pythium spp

    What is OxiPhos's mode of action?

    Systemic action
    Potassium salts of phosphorus acid, also called potassium phosphite, metabolize inside the plants into phosphorus acid. Phosphorus acid inhibits oxidative phosphorylation in the metabolism of oomycetes and blocks essential pathogen enzymes limiting pathogen growth directly.

    Contact action
    Hydrogen peroxide, upon contact with pathogens, oxidizes components of the cell membrane resulting in increased cell permeability and eventual death.

    How should OxiPhos be used?
    OxiPhos has been shown to be chemically compatible with OxiDate 2.0. Combining these two products provides broad-spectrum activity against bacterial and fungal diseases during the crop growing season. Determine crop sensitivity by spraying a small area of foliage before using it on large scale. If mixing with other pesticides, determine compatibility and plant sensitivity by following compatibility and plant sensitivity test instructions on the label.

    Guaranteed Analysis

    Active Ingredients:
    Mono- and di-potassium salts of phosphorus acid*............................................27.1%
    *Contains 17.7% phosphorus acid by wt
    Hydrogen Peroxide..............................................................................14.00%
    OTHER INGREDIENTS:...............................................................58.9%
    TOTAL:........................................................................................ 100.00%

    *Contains 2.96 pounds/gallon of mono- and di-potassium salts of phosphorous acid, equivalent to 1.93 pounds of phosphorous acid per gallon